Saturday 23 May 2015


In case you haven't heard, Facebook is going to make it harder and harder for you to get your content seen.  While it might be due to the increased amount of content on Facebook and an attempt to crack down on spammy and invaluable content, it seems to be an effort to make people pay for promoted posts and advertising.
While it's just hitting the press, this is really nothing new at all.
Facebook organic views have been decreasing for awhile. I've noticed it on a few of our fan pages, and I've heard other social media professionals complain of the same problem.
While a challenge, there are ways around it. Like everything online, great content will always prevail. And with these tips and tricks I'm about to share, you might be able to increase your reach on Facebook without having to pay for promoted posts or ads.


1. Create Awesome Content

This is the first and foremost thing you should think about. Awesome and compelling content that talks directly to your customers, fans, and audience is the best thing you can do. But it does require a strategy. I think the best way to have something to share is to blog, take photos, and create an online persona. When you have great content on your website and other online sites, it's easier to have something of VALUE to share.

2. Embed Your Posts

It is likely that your audience is hanging out all over the web and not only on Facebook. You can extend the reach of your Facebook post by embedding that post on your blog. This will get your Facebook posts in front of your website viewers and allow them to interact with your Facebook content off Facebook.

3. Encourage Likes & Shares

The way Facebook algorithm works, the more liked and commented on your Facebook post is the more eyeballs it will reach. One easy way to get something important out is to encourage your fans to like it or share it with their network.   You can only do that with really great content.  If the content is good, people will like it.  But don't ask for likes or shares, this could actually hurt you.  If you've done a good job building a relationship with your fans you will see that this will be easy to achieve.

4. Ask Your Fans To Receive Notifications

Have you ever noticed that you get notifications from your top friends? Did you know that you can receive the same type of notifications from Fan pages? It's true and a lot of people don't know this is possible. To get notifications on Fan page content, hover over the "Like" image on and click notifications. Once you do that, every time that page is updated you will get an instant notification. There's nothing wrong with asking your fans to do the same for your Fan page. Again, if you have the relationship built, share awesome content and don't over post, your fans will be happy to do this. After all, they want to see your notifications, right?

5. Give Reasons To Comment

Commenting is one of the best ways to increase the eyeballs on your content. Try to kick off each post with a comment from the Fan page and your personal page to get the conversation going. We also give this advice to our blogging clients. It is also a good idea to ask questions or give incentives to increase commenting. Both of these tactics work, and I recommend you try it.

6. Mix Up Your Content

The common thought used to be that every post should have an image attached. While this is a good tactic because it has a longer shelf-life, it is smart to mix it up. Links now show up on News Feeds the same size of images which increases the click-through.

7. Become a Content Curator

Again, it all comes back to great content. When you have great content to share, more people are going to tune in. Share articles, images, and videos that will keep your fans coming back for more. The more often one person connects with your content will determine how often they see your content. Be targeted with your content and your true and loyal fans will love it!

8. Create Fan Page Relationships

There are a few ways to go about this. One way is to share other fan page content. Because everyone is sharing the content of huge publications and brands, you might want to think about targeting middle sized fan pages instead as they will notice it more. When you give love to other Fan pages, they will likely return the favor and share your content. You can also tag pages within your posts. The other Fan page will see your tag and hopefully be happy. In order to build a successful relationship you have to think about this. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. It's a two way street people!
Of course, every audience is different and not everything is going to work for you. But in business it is all about experimenting and figuring out what works for you.

Thursday 21 May 2015

Batman Arkham City GOTY Full Pc Game

Batman Arkham City GOTY Full Pc Game

Batman Arkham City GOTY Full Pc Game
Batman Arkham City GOTY Full Pc Game

Batman: Arkham City's irresistible world, joyous movement, rewarding combat, and varied side quests make it an exceptional adventure game.

by liaqateagle on November 30, 2011

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Batman Arkham City GOTY Full Pc Game

Gotham City. This crime-infested metropolis has been famously imagined and reimagined in comic books, cartoons, and films. Now, we have a new vision of Gotham, and it stands not just as one of the most unforgettable incarnations ever of the city that Batman is devoted to protecting, but as one of the most richly detailed and exciting environments ever seen in a game. Building on 2009's outstanding Batman: Arkham Asylum, Batman: Arkham City sets you free in the intoxicating neighborhood of North Gotham, now a sealed-off superprison for the city's worst criminals. As the Caped Crusader, you struggle to bring some semblance of order to the chaotic streets, foiling the plots of supervillains and protecting the victims of those who prey on the innocent. With its atmospheric setting, thrilling movement, immensely satisfying combat, and tremendous assortment of secrets to discover, side quests to complete, and other attractions, Arkham City is a fantastic adventure game.

It's winter in Gotham City, but the streets of the part of town now known as Arkham seem particularly cold. Snow falls on the criminals who roam this place, making the asphalt shimmer with reflections of the neon signs advertising shuttered shops that once upon a time bustled with business. Gotham faced a prison crisis in the wake of the events of Arkham Asylum, and certain unscrupulous characters took advantage of the situation by acquiring the run-down neighborhood of North Gotham, walling it off from the rest of the city, and tossing the criminals in there to fend for themselves. It's an inhumane and immoral operation; food and warmth are scarce, and some inmates are people whose only crime was voicing a negative opinion of Arkham City and those who run it.

But their misfortune is your gain. The area of several city blocks that makes up the superprison isn't especially vast as open worlds go, but what it lacks in scale, it more than makes up for in atmospheric detail. Arkham City is home to an old courthouse, a former police headquarters, a musty museum, a disused subway terminal, and other fascinating places. These structures, with their faded portraits, old billboards, and plentiful other features, convey a sense of history. The exceptional art design draws on 1930s art deco and makes Gotham seem like a once elegant and shining city that has fallen into darkness. It's clearly a work of imagination, but as you explore it, its richness pulls you in, and it becomes a world you can't help but believe in. That allure is particularly strong on the PC, where atmospheric details like snowflakes visibly landing on Batman's cape make this wintry, downtrodden environment even more convincing.

Batman has no choice but to explore the alleyways and underground tunnels of North Gotham. Within the prison's walls, Joker is dying, and the villain's schemes force the Dark Knight to help him find a cure. That quest brings Batman into contact with the Penguin, Mr. Freeze, and numerous other members of Batman's rogues' gallery. Each character is represented terrifically, with plenty of nods to their histories as established in the comics, and part of the fun of progressing through the story lies in seeing what character might make an appearance next. The excellent Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill reprise their roles as Batman and the Joker, heading up an ensemble of voice actors who never miss a beat.

Also returning from Arkham Asylum is that game's accessible and satisfying combat system. At its core, it's quite simple: one button performs your attacks, while another counters enemy attacks. The combat rewards good timing, and when you get into the rhythm of battle, chaining your attacks together and turning your enemies' attacks against them, it's deeply absorbing. It's also as graceful as it is brutal, making it a joy to behold. The varied attack animations make most tussles look as if they might work as choreographed fight sequences in a movie. In response to your inputs, Batman might simultaneously counter two attackers with a single impressive move, or take advantage of a convenient surface and slam a thug's head against it. As you progress, you encounter enemies equipped with things that make taking them down more complicated. Guards with stun batons can be attacked only from behind; enemies with shields require the use of an aerial attack; and foes with body armor can be injured only with a rapid-fire punch attack called the beat down. It's especially satisfying to defeat large, diverse groups of enemies against whom you must use a variety of techniques. Zoomed-in camera angles that give you a close look at moves that finish off a battle add impact to your attacks and make your triumphs all the more rewarding. Keyboard and mouse controls are as responsive as gamepad inputs, so you can choose whichever method you're more comfortable with.

Batman's assortment of gadgets plays a bigger role in combat than it did before. In Arkham Asylum, you could throw batarangs and keep your combo going; here, you can quickly fire off many of your wonderful toys in the heat of battle. A blast from your remote electric charge device can make an enemy involuntarily swing his hammer at surrounding thugs, and a quick placement and detonation of explosive gel can knock nearby foes off their feet. The variety of "quickfire" gadget options and other special moves that Batman has at his disposal can actually be overwhelming, and you may occasionally find yourself pressing the button combination for one gadget when you want to use another. But the game does an excellent job of easing you into the finer points of the combat system, displaying button prompts when you have a good opportunity to use a particular technique. And if you don't quite grasp a move the first time, you can go into your upgrade menu and re-enable its tutorial for a refresher. The addition of quickfire gadgets gives you a number of new options, and skilled players can benefit a great deal from the smart use of these techniques, but you never need to rely on these abilities. If you prefer to keep things simple, you can certainly get by relying primarily on your fists.

Of course, thugs with shields, blades, and body armor are one thing; enemies with guns are something else entirely. Batman is tough, but far from invulnerable, and when faced with such firepower, it's time for him to rely on stealth. As in Arkham Asylum, you sometimes find yourself needing to take out rooms of gun-wielding enemies, and all of Batman's techniques from that game are still every bit as fun to use. Sneak up on an enemy from behind and you can take him down silently. By hanging from a gargoyle, you can ensnare an unsuspecting enemy below with an inverted takedown. Your detective vision gives you an edge, letting you see the positions of enemies patrolling the room through walls and floors. And Batman has a few new tricks up his sleeve. When spotted, you can toss a smoke pellet, aiding your escape and possibly leading confused enemies to accidentally attack each other. And you eventually acquire a new gadget that's great fun in these situations: the disruptor, which lets you can remotely disable a thug's gun. It's especially satisfying to do so, then jump down in front of him and watch as he attempts to shoot you, and then knock his lights out. The disruptor's use is limited, so you can't overdo it, but it's a great new addition to Batman's arsenal. The excellent sound design adds tension to these stealthy standoffs, with bad guys becoming increasingly frightened as you pick off their buddies one by one.

As you win battles, you earn experience points and periodically level up, which lets you upgrade your suit, gadgets, and combat skills. These upgrades have a real impact on gameplay and create a rewarding sense of growth as you advance through the game. Purchasing the batclaw disarm move, for instance, lets you yank weapons from enemies' hands, while the critical strikes upgrade rewards precise timing in battle with more powerful attacks that let you build up to special combo moves more rapidly. There are an impressive number of upgrade options to choose from, and you'll probably still be leveling up and unlocking upgrades well after finishing the main story.

It's not all about combat in Arkham City, though. Far from it. One of the greatest joys of the game is the act of moving around its open world. The grapnel gun made getting around enjoyable in Arkham Asylum, but Arkham City, with its numerous buildings to grapple onto and soar off of, is a veritable playground. You can zip up to ledges and rooftops with the push of a button, and you can leap off these surfaces as well, using your cape to glide through the air. Once you get the hang of generating momentum with your dive-bomb move, you can soar through the city, diving and climbing like a roller coaster. It's an exhilarating way to travel. And if, as you're flying high above the streets, you spot a group of thugs and fancy a fight, it's easy to plummet straight down and plant your boot in a goon's face.

Arkham City also acknowledges that Batman's brains are at least on par with his brawn. Occasional clever environmental puzzles, such as a situation involving a pool of water covered in thin ice, frozen cops who need to be saved, and a giant, deadly shark, require you to make smart use of your gadgets. More significantly, the Riddler returns to torment Batman, and he has stepped up his game considerably. As in Arkham Asylum, Riddler trophies have been placed throughout Arkham City. Some of these collectibles have been hidden in the city's nooks and crannies, and if you locate them, you can simply pick them up. However, in many cases, the trick is not locating them, but figuring out how to get them. There are Riddler trophies in plain view all over Arkham City, but they're enclosed in cages, and to retrieve one of these, you must figure out how the mechanism for that particular cage works. There might be a series of switches on a nearby wall that need to be triggered in a particular order. Or it may be a test of agility, with a switch that opens a gate some distance away that you have only a short time to reach before it closes. Some of these puzzles are surprisingly tricky, but there's always a discernible logic that makes working out the solutions rewarding. And in a nice touch, you can mark the location of trophies on your map so that if you can't figure out how to get one at the time, you can easily come back to it later.

In addition to his trophies, the Riddler has a new set of environmental riddles for you to solve. Some of these take the form of questions or statements, such as "Do you have Strange thoughts? Maybe you should seek help?" and "I am an actor who can transform a film with the final cut. Who am I?" Answering these requires you to locate the sign, storefront, or other environmental detail that contains the answer. The richness of the world already makes exploring it a pleasure; tracking down these solutions makes doing so even more engaging. Each of these that you solve unlocks an Arkham City story, which offers some textual background on the people associated with that particular riddle, deepening the neighborhood's sense of history. The Riddler's perspective puzzles also make a comeback. These are question marks painted in the environment that need to be viewed from just the right place to appear correctly. Working out the proper vantage point from which to solve these puzzles is as enjoyable as ever.

Solving these conundrums doesn't just reward you with a job well done. This time around, the Riddler has kidnapped hostages and placed them in riddle rooms throughout Arkham City, and the only way to get the locations of these rooms is by completing enough of the Riddler's challenges. And this is just one of the numerous side quests you have the option of pursuing or ignoring during your time in Arkham City. You'll almost certainly want to complete many of these, though. These engrossing quests often make great use of villains from the Batman comics who don't play a role in the main quest, and they have their own story arcs that are worth seeing through. They're also fun to play. There are strings of murders to investigate that have you analyzing crime scenes, following bullet trajectories and trails of blood. There's a madman who forces you to race across town to answer ringing pay phones before time runs out and he kills a hostage. There are innocent political prisoners who need your help. And much more.

Unlike the console versions, which include a code you need to redeem to access the Catwoman content, the PC version automatically incorporates her chapters into the game. The story occasionally switches from Batman to Catwoman, and her interludes offer some illumination on happenings in Arkham City that Batman isn't present to witness. Playing as Catwoman is enjoyable; she has just enough abilities that are unique to her to make her feel distinct from Batman, while controlling similarly enough to feel immediately familiar. She can cling to certain ceilings and use her claws to scale walls, and her caltrops and bolas can be used in combat to trip and immobilize enemies. You spend only a short time playing as her during the main story, but once that's complete, you can switch between Batman and Catwoman at any time, and she has her own objectives and challenges to complete, and her own set of Riddler trophies to collect.

Once you complete the main story, you unlock the new game plus option, which lets you carry over your upgrades but also makes your life more difficult; you have to do without the helpful lines that appear in combat informing you that an enemy is about to strike. But once you've spent that much time with the game, you'll likely be ready for this challenge. And, as in Arkham Asylum, there are a host of challenge rooms that test your skills both in all-out combat and in stealth situations. Some challenges take the form of small campaigns that alternate between combat and stealth scenarios. Each campaign assigns you an assortment of modifiers and requires you to use each of them once. One modifier might benefit you, perhaps giving you regenerating health, while another might benefit your enemies, perhaps giving one a protective aura that prevents him from taking damage. These modifiers, and the tactical process of applying the detrimental ones to the easier scenarios and the beneficial ones to those scenarios you might have a tougher time with, make these campaigns feel distinctly different from the encounters you have during the story.

But more than anything else, it's your adventures and explorations in the city of Arkham itself that make this game extraordinary. The game's boss fights look dangerous and spectacular, but they're disappointingly easy, and on occasion, context-sensitive actions may thwart your efforts. You might intend to evade an enemy attack, for instance, but instead your button press makes Batman slowly disable some device as bullets are shredding your health. But these criticisms are nitpicks in a game that does so much so well. From the speedy exhilaration of soaring high above the streets to the atmospheric thrill of discovering long-forgotten secrets in the tunnels below Gotham, this is an unforgettable adventure that will keep you coming back to the cape and cowl long after you've seen the credits roll.

Tuesday 19 May 2015


 Here is easiest way to shut down yuur pc is to type (shutdown –s) in to cmd “command” and that will give a message that “the computer will shutdown and you have 30 seconds”
   -But if yuu just type (shutdown -a) it will abort the shutdown but there are other commands. I will just start off doing the easiest ones-

shutdown –s
>This will shutdown yuur pc in 30

seconds and display a message<

shutdown –s –t 40

>This will shutdown in 40 seconds but you can only go up to 86400 (24 hours) but if you make it 0 it will show no message and just shutdown<

shutdown –s –c ”haha the computer is going to shutdown”

>This will shutdown with a message in a box under the time<

shutdown –l

>This will just log you of the pC<

shutdown -i

>This will display the GUI shutdown window<

shutdown –r

>This Will restart the pC<

shutdown –a

>This will abort the shutdown<

shutdown –f

>This will force all running applications to close<


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Twitter Use On SMS All Commands Hare With Complete post

HellO Guys, Below are all comands
                                                                                 ON : turns ALL your authorized Twitter updates                                    and notifications on.

  • OFF : turns ALL phone notifications off.    
  • ON [username] : turns on notifications for a specific person on your phone, eg.: ON Liaqateagel
  • OFF [username]: turns off notifications for a specific person on your phone, eg.: OFF Liaqateagel
  • FOLLOW [username]: allows you to start following a specific user, as well as receive SMS notifications. Eg.:FOLLOW Liaqateagel, or Liaqateagel
  • UNFOLLOW [username]: allows you to stop following a specific user.
  • LEAVE [username]: this command allows you to stop receiving SMS notifications for a specific user without having to unfollow them. When you log into from the web you will still see this user's updates in your timeline. Example: LEAVE benfu, or L benfu, for short.
  • STOP, QUIT, END, CANCEL, UNSUBSCRIBEor ARRET: will deactivate your account if you are an SMS-only user
  • @[username] + message - shows your Tweet as a reply directed at another person, and causes your Tweet to save in their mentions tab. eg.: @Liaqateagel I love that song too!
  • D [username] + message - sends that person,  that goes to their device, and saves in their web archive
    • You can also use M [username] + message to send a private message
    • eg.: D H_4_Hacker want to pick a Jamba Juice for me while you're there? or Liaqateagel wanna pick up a Jamba Juice for me while you're there?
    • RETWEET [username] - sends that user's latest Tweet to your followers e.g. :RETWEET liaqateagel or  RT liaqateagel
    • SET LOCATION [place name] - updates the location field in your profile. Example: set location  PAKiSTAN
    • SET BIO - edits your Bio information on your Twitter profile. e.g.: set bio Em a H4x3r
    • SET LANGUAGE [language name] - selects the language you'd like to receive notifications in. E.g.: set language English
    • SET NAME [name here] - sets the name field on your Twitter profile. Example: set name Ali
    • SET URL [url here] - sets the URL field on your profile. Example: set url
    • WHOIS [username] - retrieves the profile information for any public user on Twitter. Example: whois Liaqateagel or w liaqateagel
    • GET [username] - retrieves the latest Twitter update posted by that person. You can also use g [username] to get a user's latest Tweet. Examples: get Liaqateagel or Liaqateagel
    • FAV [username] - marks that user's last Tweet as one of your favorites (reply to any update with FAVFAVE,FAVORITE, FAVOURITE, or * to mark it as a favorite if you're receiving it in real time). E.g: Liaqateagel, favorite Liaqateagelor *Liaqateagel
    • STATS [username] - this command returns the given user's number of followers, how many people they're following, and their bio information.
    • SUGGEST, SUG, S, or WTF - this command returns a list of Twitter users we think you might find interesting and would like to follow.
    • HELP, INFO or AIDE - texting help, info, or aide to Twitter will bring up helpful tips.
    • SUGGEST - this command returns a listing of Twitter users' accounts we think you might enjoy following.
    • SET DISCOVER ON - by using this command, you opt-in to receive SMS notifications for top Tweets related to your interests. Please know that this feature is automatically enabled for all Twitter via SMS users. Note: this feature is only available in certain locations.
    • SET DISCOVER OFF - turns off delivery of top tweets to your device.

      A few notes on SMS commands:

      • Using ON/OFF [username] from your phone only stops notifications coming to your mobile phone; you'll still collect a person's updates on the web since you're still following them.
        • Use UNFOLLOW [username] to unfollow a user via SMS.
        • Use BLOCK [username] or BLK [username] to block a user via SMS. 
        • You can also use UNBLOCK [username] or UNBLK [username]
        • Use REPORT [username] or REP [username] to report a user as spam
        • if yuu wanna stop, then send STOP or OFF